A little known secret that takes many of us too long to realise is that we are all a work in progress. No matter how successful you are, or how happy you are in life, there will always be things you can do to improve. So here is the ultimate list of 101 Ways to Level Up Your Life this Year.
Don’t Panic!
I know it sounds like a lot. But no-one should be expected to do all 101 of these! And most of these points are not big life changes. They are small things you can implement in your daily life to hopefully make many small improvements over a longer period of time.
You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine. -Darren Hardy
With these 101 points, you can level up every aspect of your life. From your home, to your health and most importantly your mindset. I am a big believer that mindset is everything. You could have everything you could ever dream of, but still be unhappy and unfulfilled if your mindset is not considered.
That is why I have made the mindset section the biggest. And I challenge you to choose your 2 favourite points from that section and implement them first. With a healthier mindset, it will be easier to tackle any other points you choose from the rest of the list.
Once you feel like your implemented improvements have become habits, then you can move on to the next. I have found that it is much more effective to focus on 2 or 3 at a time, so I am not overwhelmed by too many new things to remember.
So make sure you save and Pin this post to refer back to it later!
This may be a slow process, but being able to implement and maintain these 101 Ways to Level Up Your Life will truly improve your life now and for the foreseeable future.
Time to Level Up…
Your Productivity
1. Set 90 day goals
90 Days is a great length of time to set goals because it is long enough that you can set big goals, but not long enough for you to procrastinate working towards them for a long time.
2. Become a Morning Person
Becoming a Morning Person changed my Life! It has countless benefits, it can help you get more work done, and improve your productivity because after a good morning routine, you will feel ready to face anything the day can throw at you!
3. Put your phone down
We all use our phones too much. Set aside an hour at first, then an evening, where you leave your phone in another room and just unplug and live in the present for a while. This is especially helpful if you are constantly distracted by your phone whilst working.
4. Unsubscribe to unwanted emails
Unclog your inbox by unsubscribing to those pesky, spam emails. We all have emails that we just delete before opening, so taking a minute to unsubscribe will save you a lot of time and space in your inbox!
5. Make an annual dream board
Before setting actual goals, it is good to envision what kind of life you want to work towards this year. Make a dream board full of pictures and words that represent your dreams and inspire you. This will help keep you motivated throughout the year.
6. Keep a daily planner
I Love using my daily planner. It helps me plan my time better, celebrate what I achieve, and most importantly it means I can’t forget any important tasks for the day.
7. Set 5 Year Goals
I used to hate being asked “Where do you want to be in 5 years?”. But it can actually be really beneficial to your motivation and goals. If you know what kind of life you want in 5 years then it is easier to work out what you need to do on a annual, monthly and weekly basis.
8. Turn off distracting notifications
If a full phone detox seems too difficult at the moment, you can always turn off the most distracting notifications you get on your phone. These will be different for everyone, but they usually come from the apps you barely even use anymore!
9. Prioritise what is important to you
It is important to not get wrapped up in daily admin or other people’s ideas of success. Make sure you take the steps to improve your life that YOU feel are most important.
10. Learn to say No
Being able to say no is a huge skill that will benefit your life in so many ways. You will be able to use your time and energy on exactly what you need, and not feel bad about skipping an unwanted lunch or unnecessary meeting. (Please be kind though so you do not hurt your loved ones or get fired from your job!).
Level Up…
Your Relationships
11. Socialise once a week
Making time to socialise with your friends will help you emotionally, and will make sure you never become isolated.
12. Hug your loved ones more
As someone who has lost family members, I feel it is important to remind you to take time out of your hectic day to day life to hug your loved ones. Hugs have also been proven to help you de-stress and improve your mental wellbeing.
13. Check in with your partner
Have a monthly relationship check to make sure you are both happy, healthy and on the same page. This will help prevent miscommunication and relationship burnout.
14. Take more photos
Taking photos can help you treasure more memories and help you see how beautiful every day life can be. I commit to taking at least 1 photo per day as a sort of visual diary of my life. I love being able to see my life through pictures.
15. Spend more time with family
Time with family is precious. Make sure you take time out of crushing your goals to go and connect with your loved ones. They will appreciate it more than you know!
16. Find your Tribe
Being surrounded by like-minded people can have so many benefits. You can bounce ideas off of each other, help each other through hard times, and ultimately have a team on your side to help you navigate through this crazy game called Life.
17. Don’t stay in bad relationships
Obviously this is a hard one to measure and implement. One piece of advice that helped me most was “if there are more tears than laughs, it is time to leave.”
Level up…
Your Health
18. Walk everyday
I could say aim for 10,000 steps per day, but that sounds very overwhelming! So just aim to walk a little more each day and you will soon feel better in both your body and your mind.
19. Exercise
I know the gym is not for everyone, but finding your favourite type of exercise will set you up for life. Once you have found your way of exercising, you can aim for at least 3 times per week to keep you fit and healthy.
20. Drink more Water
Dehydration is the core problem for so many common ailments, make sure you stay hydrated and give your body and brain the fuel it needs. If you often forget to drink, this 1 Litre BPA Free Water bottle with time markers will help to remind you to drink enough at regular intervals.
21. Invest in skincare
I love a bargain. But if there is one luxury worth investing in it is skincare. You only get one face, so make sure you find the right products for your skin to keep you looking and feeling your best.
22. Limit takeaways
Takeaways are a great treat. But make sure you are not having too many as they tend to have an unhealthy proportion fat and salt in. Try to cut down to 1 every 3 or 4 weeks if you can.
23. Aim for 3 servings of fruit and veg per day
Consciously aiming for 3 servings of fruit and veg per day will help you stick to your health goals and your body will soon be thanking you.
24. Meal Prep
Preparing multiple meals in advanced is a great way to save money and time. Meal prep also tends to be healthier than having to think of making a meal when you are already hungry, as you will subconsciously favour quicker meals which could leave you reaching for the ready meals.
25. Cut down on alcohol
If you drink alcohol every day, make sure to cut down slowly so your body can adjust at its own rate.
26. Stop sitting for 8 hours straight
Make sure you get up from your work desk at least every hour and walk around so you don’t sit for too long. You could even invest in this Height Adjustable Electric Standing Desk so you can keep working whilst improving your health.
27. Learn about your hormones
To anyone who experiences a monthly menstrual cycle, I highly recommend you educate yourself about your hormones. Learn the basics about the 4 stages of the menstrual cycle and how you can support them to get the best out of your health at each point of the month. There is so much I could go into on this topic, but for now I will just direct you to misty.myler on instagram who taught me everything I needed to know to transform my life through my cycle.
28. Try a new recipe every month
In order to stay motivated to eat healthy, it is important you don’t get bored. Challenge yourself to try 1 new recipe every month to keep things interesting.
29. Make Necessary Doctor’s Appointments
If you have any small health concerns that you think should get checked then please make an appointment. You may feel too scared or worried to go get checked but trust me, its better knowing than living with constant worry.
30. Give your eyes frequent Breaks from screens
Use to 20/20/20 rule. When using a screen you should stop every 20 minutes, to spend 20 seconds looking at something 20ft away. This will help your eyes adjust and limit eye strain.
31. Wear Sun Protection Every Day
No matter the weather, we all should be wearing spf everyday. UV rays can still cause sun damage on a dreary, cloudy day so if you want to limit sun damage and minimise the signs of aging, wearing sunscreen everyday should be a priority.
32. Track your Sleep
Sleep is so important for your health, and it will impact every part of your life if you are not getting enough. Tracking your sleep can help you recognise patterns and encourage you to build a healthy sleep cycle.
33. Keep a food Diary
Similarly to Sleep, by tracking the food you eat you will be able to spot any patterns that could help you lead a healthier life. This is particularly helpful if you suffer with bloating and other stomach symptoms as you could discover what foods cause the most trouble for you.
34. Stop Slouching
Become aware of your posture so that you can stop slouching and limit back pain and problems both now and in the future.
35. Stretch Every Morning
Stretching is a great way to start your morning. It will help wake up your muscles for the day ahead, and your joints will thank you in years to come.
36. Wash your Hair less
Most of us wash our hair too often. Washing your hair too much can actually dry out your scalp causing dandruff and could lead to more split ends. There is no definitive number of times you should wash your hair, but definitely aim for 3 times per week at the most. I find once a week is more than enough for my long wavy hair.
37. Eat before having your morning coffee
Starting your day with a morning coffee is probably a must for many of you. But this can impede your body’s glucose response, causing havoc to your blood sugar levels. Instead eat breakfast then get coffee, this will limit the adverse impact to your blood sugar, and the subsequent negative effects to your health.
38. Make a relaxing Night time Routine
Establishing a relaxing night time routine can help your body and mind unwind, so that when you lie down to go to sleep, your body knows it is time to sleep and you can get to sleep faster.
Level up…
At Home

39. Declutter your wardrobe
We all have clothes we don’t wear anymore. So why not have a clear out to save space and make it easier to find the clothes you want every day. You could even sell your second-hand clothes on ebay or vinted to make a little money too.
40. Declutter your home
Having a cluttered home can cause unnecessary stress. Make a point to tidy, throw out or sell what you no longer need in your home.
41. Buy a plant for your living space
Having a houseplant is known to have many benefits. Purify the air in your home and brighten up your space with a new plant. It can even help you de-stress and aid sleep!
42. Clear your fridge and freezer
Make sure you clear out your fridge regularly so you do not have any nasty surprises hiding at the back for too long. You also need to do this with the freezer as many of us are guilty of leaving food in there for YEARS!
43. Clean for 10 minutes per day
Being faced with cleaning the whole house in one day is very overwhelming. Instead, allocate 10 minutes per day to cleaning up a different element of the house every day. This way you should stay on top of the cleaning, and should never be left with an overwhelming, dirty mess.
44. Sort your wardrobe into Seasons
I learnt this from my mum when I was growing up and was surprised that not everyone did it! If you sort your clothes into seasons, it is easier to see what your options are each day, and you won’t have to sort through the summer dresses when it’s snowing outside!
45. Wash Makeup Brushes Every Week
Many of us are guilty of forgetting to wash our makeup brushes for weeks, including me. I find by allocating a specific time of the week to wash my makeup brushes, I don’t forget it and I have even reduced the frequency of breakouts I get.
46. Wash your Bed sheets at least every 2 weeks
Similarly to makeup brushes, washing sheets is just one of those jobs that is easy to forget about or procrastinate on. To stay hygienic, you want to wash your sheets at least every 2 weeks. Once a week would be even better if you have the time.
47. Organise your Important Documents
If someone asked you for your birth certificate right now, how easily could you find and retrieve it? Organising all of your important documents such as birth certificate, passport, qualifications and bank statements can save so much unnecessary stress when you suddenly need them.
level up…
48. Stop buying things you don’t need
It is so easy to buy things you don’t need out of habit or convenience. Stop buying these 15 things if you want to save hundreds every month!
49. Set a budget
Setting yourself a realistic budget can help you keep track of your spending and consciously improve how you spend and save.
50. Improve your finances
There are so many ways you can instantly improve your finances. Doing this will set you up for life and can help you save quicker and live better.
51. Check your Bank Account regularly
As much as we like to put this off, it is important to check your account regularly to keep tabs on your ingoings and outgoings. This will also help you catch if you have been a victim of any scams.
52. Earn automatic Cashback
One of the best ways to earn money by doing nothing is with automatic cashback. My favourite app for this is Cheddar. It offers automatic cashback at a growing number of online and instore retailers. Simply connect your bank account and that’s it! When you shop with one of their selected retailers you will automatically earn cashback which will appear in your account in just a few days!
You can download and join Cheddar for free today!
53. Build an Emergency fund
An emergency fund is a pot of money that you set aside and only use in emergencies, like your car breaking down, or your kitchen flooding. Many people choose to save a few months worth of bills in case they can’t work for a while due to unforeseen circumstances.
54. Start using Sinking funds
Sinking funds are when you set aside money for expected costs. You can make a sinking fund for any category you like. These could include things like holidays, pet expenses, Christmas or a house deposit. Saving in these smaller pots makes it easier to see and decide where you want your money to go.
55. Learn how to make money while you sleep
Learning how to make Passive income is the secret to reaching financial freedom. If you can make money whilst you sleep, your earning potential will never be limited by the time you have per day. If you don’t know where to start, here is my guide to Passive Income for Beginners.
56. Start Investing
By investing, you can make your money work for you, and it won’t just sit in your account gathering dust. I have recently started my own investment journey so I am certainly not an expert. I would recommend doing your own research before risking any of your well-earned money. All I can tell you is, in my personal opinion, it is well worth researching.
57. Earn rewards for cutting down your energy usage
Did you know you can earn money back by cutting down your energy usage? Power Rewards is an app that you link to your smart meter, and it rewards you in either cash via PayPal or Amazon vouchers when you cut down your energy usage during certain times or “Grid Events”. Sign up Today and be sure to use my referral code SUE305203 for a £1 Bonus!
58. Cut out unused subscriptions
Many of us sign up to different subscriptions services and then forget to make use of them. Look at all of your subscriptions and see if you can cut out any of them to save yourself some money every month.
59. Wait 30 days before purchasing a “want”
One of the best saving tips I have found is to wait 30 days before purchasing anything you want that is not an everyday essential. If after 30 days you still want it then you can buy it knowing you won’t regret your purchase. But most of the time, after 30 days, you would have changed your mind and decided not to go ahead with your purchase.
level up…
At Work
60. Tidy your Desk
A clear desk will allow you to have a clear mind so you can focus on work. Declutter all the paperwork and random bits and bobs you have accumulated over the last few months.
61. Do your least favourite jobs first
It is so easy to do the simple and fun jobs first and put off doing the ones that you are dreading. But doing this will just make you procrastinate more and more. Start with the hardest tasks first and then you will be able to sail through the rest of the day with ease.
62. Find a Fulfilling Career
We spend so much of our lives working, it is only fair to ourselves that we find something that we love. Make sure you are being fulfilled by your job and if you dread going to work every day, perhaps look into your other options.
Level up…
Your Mindset
63. Start journaling
Journaling is a great way of organising your thoughts and becoming more in tune with your emotions and daily feelings.
64. Go outside every day
Getting outside is a great and simple way to give yourself a small mood boost every day. It is especially beneficial if it is sunny as getting Vitamin D is essential for your mental health.
65. Learn something new
Learning something new will help your brain health as you get older. It will also help your mind stay sharp and keep the boredom away! I chose to learn a language on Duolingo and I have honestly seen such a difference in my mental ability.
66. Buy something to make you smile every month
I love saving money, but we all deserve something that makes us smile. Reward yourself for your hard work every month by treating yourself to something that will make you happy.
67. Practice Gratitude
Practising gratitude is such a simple idea. But by just being consciously grateful for what you already have, you can build a more positive mindset and improve your overall mental health.
68. Make time to read
Reading has so many benefits, from enhancing your knowledge to improving your communication skills. I also love reading as a form of escapism.
69. Or Listen to a podcast
If you don’t have time to read, why not listen to a Podcast? There are podcasts on nearly every subject, so I am sure you can find something to keep your mind stimulated.
70. Purposely smile more
It sounds silly, but if you start smiling more often, it can actually boost your mood for real! Talk about “Fake it till you make it!”.
71. Be unapologetically you
Once you embrace your true self and stop living for other people you will unlock a whole new level of happiness you didn’t know existed.
72. Don’t hold grudges
Holding grudges against people achieves nothing. I am not saying you should be best friends with them, but holding a grudge only hurts your own mind by harbouring such strong negative feelings all of the time.
73. Have a self care day every month
Taking a day to yourself is incredibly important for your mindset. If you keep going all of the time you could burn yourself out. Take a day to relax and pamper yourself in whatever way you like.
74. Listen to more happy music
Listening to happy music can boost your mood and help you see your life with a more positive attitude. It also releases the “feel good” hormone, Dopamine.
75. Start a creative hobby
Having a creative outlet is a great way of de-stressing and unwinding after a long week. Being able to de-stress is a vital skill that will help you throughout all of life’s challenges.
76. Meditate 15 minutes per day
Meditation is proven to be very beneficial for your overall mindset. It not only helps decrease stress and anxiety, but it can also improve sleep, enhance concentration and even boost your immune system.
77. Check in with your emotions
Many of us are so busy in day to day life that we don’t have time to acknowledge our own emotions. Make sure you take time out every day to properly ask yourself how you are feeling and if there is anything you need to do to improve your mood.
78. Ask yourself what makes you happy
Similarly, I encourage you to ask yourself what makes you happy. Every morning when I wake up I stare at my ceiling and ask myself “what will make today a good day?” and “What will I be happy about once I get back in to bed this evening?”. Since doing this I have seen such a difference in my outlook on life and have definitely felt much happier than I have in a long time.
79. Celebrate small wins
No matter how small, you should always celebrate the things you are proud of! Life is not just about the big achievements like promotions and marriage. So if you are proud of something, CELEBRATE! It will do wonders for your motivation and mindset.
80. Spend time alone
Socialising is important. But so is alone time. It is essential that you make time for yourself so that you can clear you mind and truly get to know yourself. Being able to feel happy and not lonely when you’re alone will also help you throughout the rest of your life.
81. Keep a notepad by your bed
Have you ever been lying in bed, and had your best idea yet? Or perhaps you remembered what you need to put on the shopping list tomorrow? By keeping a notepad by your bed, you can note down your ideas and things to remember immediately. This way, you don’t have to stress about forgetting it all night!
82. Plan something fun every week
Even with all the stresses and responsibilities of adult life, we all deserve some fun! Make sure you plan out time every week to let yourself have fun and let your inner child go wild!
83. Make a list of your bad habits
Being aware of your bad habits is the first step to addressing them. Sit down and write a list of any unhealthy habits or things you are not particularly proud of doing. From there you can make a plan of how to tackle them.
84. Unfollow social media that isn’t serving you
We spend so much time on social media that what you see can end up having a huge impact on your mood. So if there is a page that constantly makes you sad, or you find yourself getting jealous of influencer’s holiday snaps, then unfollow them so that your social media can be as much of a “safe” and “happy” place for you as possible.
85. Mute or unfollow toxic friends
If you truly want to level up your life, there is no space for any toxic friends anymore. Don’t feel guilty for unfollowing them if you know you will be better off without them. If unfollowing them could cause more drama than its worth, then simply mute them so you don’t have to see any of their posts.
86. Stop complaining
You wouldn’t believe how much your own complaining can impact your mood and mindset. If you are complaining a lot then you are telling yourself that you are not happy with your life and that nothing is going right. As soon as you limit your complaints, you open yourself up to being more positive, and being able to see all of the good things in your life.
87. Don’t talk negatively about yourself
If you talk negatively to yourself, your self-confidence will be low and your insecurities will always be able to control you. And if you talk negatively about yourself in front of others, you are affectively setting the bench mark for how they can treat you. Slowly incorporate some nice things about yourself into your inner monologue and you will soon feel a difference.
88. Get out of your Comfort Zone
One of my favourite quotes of all time is:
If you want something you have never had, you have to do something you have never done. -Thomas Jefferson
If you don’t get out of your comfort zone, you will never be able to reach your full potential. Just imagine what you could achieve if you push yourself!
89. Learn your Why
Ask yourself “what is my motivation? Why do I want to improve myself?” If you want to stay motivated through the bad times and the good, you need to know what truly gets you out of bed in the morning and what sets your heart on fire.
90. Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from
If you don’t value their words, why do you suddenly listen to them when they are negative? Be careful with what words you let into your mind.
91. Romanticise your Life
Being able to romanticise your life is a great skill to have. It can help your positivity and will let you see your life in a new and beautiful light. This will also help you be mindful and more present.
92. Learn to Laugh at yourself
We all take life too seriously at times. Being able to laugh at yourself in awkward and funny situations will stand you in good stead for whatever comes your way.
93. Define your own Success
Society has defined what “success” is for far too long. We should not be seen as failures if we don’t reach society’s ideals. If you don’t want to settle down and buy a house as soon as you can afford it, then you shouldn’t feel obligated to by society. Define your own success.
94. Don’t dwell on the past
The past can hurt, and we should always learn from the past. But staying stuck in the past will hold you back. Look forward, aspire to your dreams, and let go of the things you can’t change.
95. Be Present
Life is so hectic that it is hard to remember to stop and smell the roses. Look around and be proud of how far you have come. Make sure you take in every moment, get off your phone and appreciate this stage of your life.
96. Recognise Stress
Recognising your own stress is such an underrated skill. Before I could recognise my stress, I repeatedly worked myself into the ground resulting in burnout and migraines! Listen to your body and know when to take a break.
97. Go Easy on Yourself
Of course you should push yourself towards reaching your goals, but not at the expense of your wellbeing. If you don’t have a very productive day, don’t beat yourself up about it. Give yourself a break, there is always tomorrow.
98. Find Healthy Coping Mechanisms
Life is hard. We all need coping mechanisms from time to time, so make sure you find some healthy ones that work for you so you don’t fall into any bad or unhealthy habits.
99. Don’t Bottle up your Emotions
We are all human. Being human means we should be able to feel the full spectrum of emotions. Let yourself cry and feel the emotions you need to feel in the moment. Bottling feelings up will always come back to bite you eventually.
100. Don’t compare yourself to others
It doesn’t matter how well everyone else is doing, focus on you. Run your own race, don’t worry, you are not behind! You are exactly where you should be.
101. Write down the best part of each day
My favourite way to end the day is writing one sentence about what I loved about the day. It doesn’t have to be much, just something that made you smile. Soon you will have a book full of positive things that have happened in your life that you can look back on.
Phew! That was a lot!
If you are still here, Thank You! and Well Done for making it this far!
I truly hope these 101 Ways to Level Up Your Life will inspire you to make small improvements in your life. Remember we are all a work in progress.
What point will you be trying first? Let me know in the comments below!
- How to Become a Morning Person and How it Changed my Life!
- 10 Reasons Why You are Having an Unproductive Day
- 14 Work from Home Essentials to Boost your Productivity
- How to Save Money on your Weekly Food Shop
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