Life Design

Signs you are Too Busy and How to Slow Down


We are all constantly juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities. Between work, home life, family and other commitments it can seem like you never get a moment of peace. While being productive is a great thing, there’s a fine line between managing a bustling life and feeling completely overwhelmed. In this post, we will discuss the signs you are too busy and provide practical tips to help you slow down, regain balance, and prioritise your well-being.

There are many reasons why you may have become too busy. The simplest being is that life just got hectic. There are times in life that will be busier than others and it is important that you acknowledge this and try to make time for yourself as you ride this crazy wave.

But you also may be too busy for some more concerning reasons. Some people purposefully fill their lives up so they can avoid their emotions or avoid part of their life that they would rather run away from.

If you think you might be doing this, this could be very destructive. In my experience there is no avoiding anything in life. Making yourself busy will merely distract you until the problem has become to big to ignore.

Try to strip down your schedule to give yourself time to address what you have been avoiding. It may be difficult and daunting to start with, but facing it is the only way to get through it. Making yourself busy is just a temporary coping mechanism that will not help you in the long run, trust me.

Now, let’s dive into the signs you are too busy and how you can start slowing down to enjoy life more.


Signs You Are Too Busy


You are Overwhelmed with Stress


overwhelmed by stress and overworked


Stress can often manifest both physically and emotionally. It can be extremely damaging and will take a surprising toll on your well-being if left unacknowledged. If you find yourself constantly tense, tired or anxious, it could be a sign that your schedule is much too demanding.

Recognizing the signs of stress is crucial for your overall health. As soon as you realise you are overwhelmed with stress you should take a step back and evaluate how you can make you life less stressful. Your health will always be more important than any work you may have, so be cautious now and prioritise yourself before it takes a serious toll on your mind and body.


You are Neglecting Personal Relationships


A hectic lifestyle can put a serious strain on your relationships with family and friends. You may feel like you have to put everything you have into building your career right now and I applaud you for that. But just remember that your family and friends are the people that have always been there for you. And if you want them to be there for you in the future, you still have to put in some time and energy.

Personally, I believe that these relationships will last much longer and be much more fulfilling than any job or career could be. I completely understand that this will be different for everyone, I just hope that you take enough time to consider what is truly important to you.

If you’re consistently cancelling plans or not giving your loved ones the attention they deserve, you could find that when you need them again, they may not be there anymore. This means it is time to reassess your priorities.


You keep getting Sick


Chronic busyness can take a major toll on your physical and mental health. Stress induced health issues are on the rise in our generation and it is no surprise! We all fill our lives until they are fit to burst!

Constant stress keeps your body on edge, waiting to respond and trigger your fight or flight response. When your body has no time to calm down and re-establish equilibrium, it weakens your immune system, making you susceptible to sickness.

In order to stay well it is essential that you listen to your body and de-stress before your health starts to suffer.

So if you find yourself constantly catching the latest cough or cold going around, then that could be a sign you are too busy and you need to slow down.


You don’t have time for Self-Care


When you get busy, self-care is often the first thing to get cut from the schedule and take a back seat. But this needs to stop! Ignoring your own needs can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. Meaning that in your attempt to work harder and keep up with everything, you actually could inadvertently force yourself to slow down and burnout.

When was the last time you had real free time? Had time to pamper yourself? Or even just had time to sit and read a good book? If you are struggling to answer then you are most certainly too busy and need to make time to nourish your mind, body, and soul.


You are always tired but you still stay up late


how to slow down and be less busy.


If you find yourself staying up late even when you are really tired, you may be partaking in what is known as “Revenge bedtime procrastination”.

“Revenge bedtime procrastination” describes the decision to sacrifice sleep for leisure time that is driven by a daily schedule lacking in free time.

I am very guilty of this. As soon as I go to bed I find myself either writing or reading something that I have been looking forward to all day, but have not had the time for. I stay up for hours because as soon as the morning comes around I will have many more jobs and tasks to get through before I can get back to my favourite things.

So if you are looking forward to bedtime to finally get some free or quiet time, chances are your day is much too busy. You should really prioritise making some free time for yourself so you can reserve bedtime purely for sleep.


You can’t sit down when you do have time


I find this is a trait amongst many chronically busy people. You finally have time to yourself to relax and you just can’t.

I have friends and family who are like this and growing up I found it fascinating. It was almost like they are allergic to sitting down! They would sit down and then quickly think of something else they “should be doing” and before you know it they were up and doing!

If you struggle to simply sit and relax, then you may be a chronically busy person who feels the need to be up and going all the time. You may even feel guilty whenever you take a moment to yourself. But please don’t. You don’t have to feel guilty for taking a breath and you never need to earn the right to relax.


You feel like you are failing everything


If you are “spinning too many plates” then you will not be able to devote enough time to any one thing. When your attention and energy is divided over many things you will inevitably become overworked and you can feel guilty for not putting your best into anything.

As a result you could feel like you are failing everything. This is a state of overwhelm where everything can get on top of you and you start to doubt everything you do.

When you are too busy it is very easy to overlook something. And once you have let one plate slip, then it is very easy for the rest of them to come crashing down around you. Be sure to lighten your load before every aspect of your life suffers.


Tips to Slow Down




The best way to clear your schedule and regain some free time is to learn to prioritise your tasks. Once you can prioritise your workload based on importance and urgency you can determine what you need to do now and what can be saved for later.

In a work setting, you may also be able to delegate tasks to lighten your load. Or if you do the majority of house chores then you could propose dividing them up more evenly with your family or flatmates.

We all get so carried away with trying to get everything done that it is easy to forget to ask for help. Don’t be ashamed to ask the people around you for help, it is not a sign of weakness, but it will help your workload and stress levels.


Create a Realistic Schedule


Set achievable goals and create a balanced schedule. Avoid overloading your calendar. Just because you have time to fit something in, does not mean you should.

When creating your schedule, remember to leave room for family time, and your own self-care. So many people are reluctant to schedule in their own down time, but if you want to perform at your best and not burn out then taking time for yourself is essential.

I highly encourage you to leave more gaps in your schedule. Start reacquainting yourself with free time and see what you find yourself doing with it. I find I am much more creative once I have some free time to relax and reflect.


Learn to Say No


Setting boundaries is essential.

Being able to say no is a huge skill that will benefit your life in so many ways. You will be able to use your time and energy on exactly what you need, and not feel bad about skipping an unwanted lunch or unnecessary meeting. This way you will free up some space in your week and should prevent yourself from becoming too busy.

Politely decline any and all additional commitments when your plate is already full. Saying no is not mean, it will simply allow you to focus on your existing responsibilities and will hopefully prevent you from overextending yourself.


Disconnect from Technology


signs you are too busy and how to slow down by disconnecting from technology.


In the age of technology, it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate your work from your home. Your work emails come to your personal laptop, and suddenly your boss can text you about work even when you are off! This means that we are always on and we never get a proper break.

This is especially difficult if you work from home as you may be working in the same room that you sleep or relax in. This makes you constantly busy even when you are trying to get some free time.

Constant digital connectivity can really exacerbate your stress levels. Social media seems to fill every free moment in the day, meaning you never just stop and sit with your thoughts for a moment.

Allocate specific times in your day to disconnect from devices and engage with the real world.


Invest in Self-Care


As cliché as it may sound, self-care is really important. Don’t worry self-care doesn’t have to be face masks and bubble baths! Self-care is simply the act of taking the time to prioritise yourself and your needs. Your self-care could be meditation, exercise, a nature walk, or simply curling up with a cup of tea and a good book.

So many people believe that self-care is a nice added extra to life, or perhaps something you earn when you have worked hard. But this is not the case! These activities are not luxuries, they are necessities for maintaining good physical and mental health. And you never should have to “earn” any basic requirements for life.


Schedule in Quiet time


Nowadays, it is very rare to find silence. Even when you are alone, you might be driving in the car, or listening to music. You may even work with the TV on in the background.

When was the last time you sat in complete silence?

Some people absolutely hate silence and actively try to avoid it. (Personally, I seek it out at every opportunity!).

But silence can have incredible mental and physical benefits for your health. Studies have shown that sitting in silence will not only encourage mindfulness but also lowers blood pressure, decreases heart rate, reduces muscle tension and even improves focus and cognition.

So next time you feel overwhelmed in your hectic life, try to find a quiet place to sit and just exist for a moment. It could really help you in the long run.


Get out into Nature


get into nature to slow down and destress


It seems like such a simple thing, but you would be amazed how much going outside for 15 minutes everyday can help both your physical and mental wellbeing.

Japan have even made it an integral part of their national health program. Coining the phrase “forest bathing” where you simply spend time immersed in nature.

Going outside is proven to reduce your levels of the stress hormone Cortisol. Spending time outside will actually help to calm your body down; both your blood pressure and heart rate can decrease.

So getting outside is a very productive use of your time when juggling a busy schedule. It can even help boost your focus so you can get your tasks done more quickly and efficiently.




Recognising the signs of being too busy is the first step towards reclaiming your life and well-being. By prioritising, setting boundaries, and practicing self-care, you can slow down, reduce stress, and find balance in your daily life.

Remember, your health and happiness should be at the top of your to-do list, not at the bottom. Take time out for yourself, and you’ll find that a slower, more intentional pace can lead to a more fulfilling, successful and enjoyable life.



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