About me

Hi there!

My name is Toria and I’m so happy to see you here on my blog, Her Dream Hustle.

I started this blog to share my journey and tips to financial freedom. In this blog you will find the best side hustles, money saving ideas and productivity tips to help you on your way to a better life.

This is a special online space dedicated to saving and making money, for people who want to live life free of the stress of paychecks that might not cover your basic expenses.

Whether you are already on your own hustling journey or have no clue where to start on tackling your debt, this blog is going to give you the motivation and tips to kick some butt and elevate your life! I will walk you through everything step by step so don’t worry if you’re a complete beginner.

I graduated University in 2021, and instead of getting a regular 9-5 job I decided to take my side husting to the next level and hustle full time! I love testing side hustles and new ways of making passive income and I had always dreamed of working for myself and creating my own freedom. I have made mistakes, had immense triumphs and learnt a lot along the way. This blog will show you everything I have learnt, what to do and what not to do, in hopes to fast-track you to success!

Again, I’m so happy you found my little corner of the internet here on Her Dream Hustle!

I encourage you to look around for more inspiration and ideas. Here are some of my reader’s favourite posts to get you started:


15 Things you Need to Stop Buying to Save Money

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Making Money on Etsy

19 Passive Income ideas for Beginners in 2023

How to become a Morning Person- and How it changed my life!


Stay in touch and remember you can always send me any questions you have to [email protected]

Toria x