Life Design

14 Work from Home Essentials to Boost Productivity

  Whether you are employed by a company or run your own business, it looks like Work from Home is well and truly here to stay. That means it is more important than ever to have a dedicated work space in your home that helps you stay motivated and productive. Here are 14 Work from […]

Save Money

How to Save Money on Groceries in 2024

  We could all do with knowing how to save money on groceries in 2024. I have been using these secret money saving hacks for years and have managed to save at least £200 every month! Every week it seems like anything and everything is increasing in price. Gone are the days you can feed […]

Make Money

Top 10 Biggest Print on Demand Design Mistakes

  Have you recently started your Print on Demand journey? Not sure if you’re sabotaging your sales by making any major Print on Demand design mistakes? Don’t worry, you will soon know every design no-no that many beginners make. Once you are armed with this knowledge you will be ready to finally crack into the […]

Save Money

5 Websites and Apps you Need to Save Money

  We all spend so much time online and on apps, but instead of endlessly scrolling, why not use that time to save money? There are a few little-known apps that you need to save money! Whether you’re paying off debt, saving for your future or simply do not want to live paycheck to paycheck, […]

Make Money

19 Passive Income Ideas for Beginners in 2024

  Are you burnt out? Fed up of living paycheck to paycheck? Tired of having to work all hours to earn an average wage? I will share with you how to generate extra money that will help you become financially free. These real passive income ideas for beginners will help you earn money even when […]

Life Design

How to Become a Morning Person and How it Changed my Life

Here I tell you why you need to become a morning person and how doing so has truly changed my life. I will give you every tip and trick I used to change my unhealthy sleep habits into a consistent and productive sleep cycle. No matter who we are or how different our lives are, […]

Life Design

10 Healthy Habits for New Business Owners

  If you are growing a business, whether you are new or more experienced, you will probably overlook yourself and sacrifice your needs in favour of your business. We are all guilty of it. It is how many businesses get off the ground! But it is simply not sustainable. If you continue to grind and […]

Save Money

7 Tips You Need to Stop your Shopping Addiction

  If you want to know how to stop your shopping addiction, you are not alone. Maybe you don’t think you’re addicted but you find it incredibly hard to resist some unnecessary purchases. Believe me… I’ve been there. And according to a recent survey, so have 78.2% of Brits! On average we spend over £32 […]

Make Money

9 Reasons why you Need to start an Etsy Shop

  Wondering why you need to start an Etsy shop? Trying to start your own business can be very daunting. Maybe you are an artist or maker with an amazing product but no platform to show it off. Or perhaps you know you want to start a shop but don’t know what to sell yet. […]

Make Money

7 Reasons why you should NOT open an Etsy Shop

  Etsy is a huge and well established marketplace. It has been loved my millions of sellers and buyers since its launch in 2005. But have you stopped to wonder why you should not open an Etsy shop? Is it right for you? Maybe you are about to launch your business and were planning to […]