Life Design

42 Productive Things to Do at Home in Winter

  As the winter chill settles in, we all quickly huddle into our homes. The soft glow of twinkling lights and candles, the cosiness of fluffy blankets and the aroma of comfort food all help us cocoon into our indoor sanctuary. But this makes staying productive even more of a challenge! I am sure many […]

Life Design

How to Beat the Winter Blues: Self-care Edition

  The winter season brings so much beauty, but unfortunately it also brings a unique set of challenges as many of us find ourselves struggling to beat the winter blues. In this blog post, we’ll explore effective tips to lift your spirits and promote overall well-being during the colder months.  The key? Embracing self-care into […]

Life Design

52 Weekly Goals to Make This Year Amazing

  Now the new year is in full swing, you may be thinking about the goals and aspirations you want to achieve this year. I am a big believer in goal setting, but when it comes to new year goals and resolutions, I urge you to proceed with caution and consider smaller, weekly goals. Too […]

Life Design

24 Realistic New Year’s Resolutions for a Happier Year

  As your calendar runs out, ushering in a new year, it brings with it a endless possibilities and opportunities for personal growth. So, it’s that time again when we can reflect on the past and look to a new beginning. New Year’s resolutions, though often met with scepticism, can serve as powerful catalysts for […]

Life Design

5 Weird Ways to Stop Being Negative

We are all prone to negativity. In fact, it is often much easier to see the negative side of things to the positive. But that means we all end up with a very negative and often, toxic, headspace. The pursuit of positivity is one of life’s difficult journeys that we all share, but rarely talk […]

Life Design

25 Affordable Ways to Romanticise your Life

  Let’s face it, life can get boring. You make all of these plans and dreams but most of the time you just fall into routine and join the dreaded “daily grind”. With the stresses of modern life, it is very easy to forget how beautiful life is and how grateful we should be. Even […]

Life Design

Signs you are Too Busy and How to Slow Down

  We are all constantly juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities. Between work, home life, family and other commitments it can seem like you never get a moment of peace. While being productive is a great thing, there’s a fine line between managing a bustling life and feeling completely overwhelmed. In this post, we will discuss […]

Life Design

How to be Productive when you have No Motivation

  We’ve all been there. Those days when you wake up with no motivation whatsoever. You can’t seem to tackle your to-do list and the thought of being productive is suddenly very daunting. Whether it’s work, school, life admin or side hustles, there are times when motivation seems to vanish into thin air. But don’t […]

Life Design

6 Signs You Are Living Your Life for Others and Not Yourself

  Many of us pride ourselves on being selfless and helping others, but has your selflessness caused you to lose control of your own life? Sometimes our need to please other people can spiral out of control until one day, you wake up and you are living your life for others and not yourself. If […]

Life Design

7 Mistakes that Rob you of Happiness

  Happiness is something we all desire, yet it can sometimes feel like an enigma, slipping through our fingers when we are just about to reach for it. As we embark on this journey of life, we encounter a multitude of experiences, each with the potential to either lift us up or drag us down. […]