Life Design

How to Find a Work Life Balance that Works for You

  Finding a healthy work life balance is something we all struggle with at certain times in our lives. Trying to juggle professional work and personal responsibilities can become very overwhelming and could lead to unnecessary stress and even burnout. However, if you take the time to consider the right strategy and mindset, achieving a […]

Life Design

12 Habits of Successful and Happy Women

Success means something different to everyone. Maybe success for you is landing your dream job. Maybe it is reaching financial freedom. Or maybe it is as simple as being happy with where you are in life. Whatever you define as success, it is going to take more than a wish and a dream to get […]

Life Design

9 Toxic Habits that are Holding you Back

  I think we can all agree that life has enough challenges already, without us self-sabotaging ourselves. It is hard to see our bad habits at the time, many of us only realising them when we look back after years. Hopefully this list will help you recognise the toxic habits that are holding you back, […]

Life Design

12 Ideas to Boost Productivity with your Evening Routine

    Everyone always thinks that a solid Morning Routine is the key to a productive day. But what if I told you that having a good evening routine can also boost your productivity, just as much, if not more than a morning routine. Waking up early and starting your day right is certainly important, […]

Life Design

How to Protect your Peace

  Learning How to Protect your Peace is an essential skill that everyone needs to learn this year. Once you know how to protect your emotional and mental well-being from outside factors, your life will change dramatically. It’s like creating your own perfect world that no one can touch or ruin. Since I started consciously […]

Life Design

How to Organise Your Week in an Hour

  Weekly planning seems like such a simple concept. But, like many things in life, sometimes the simplest things prove to be the most effective. Learning how to organise your week in an hour will help you focus on your goals, improve your productivity and make sure you get the most out of every week. […]

Life Design

101 Ways to Level Up Your Life this Year

  A little known secret that takes many of us too long to realise is that we are all a work in progress. No matter how successful you are, or how happy you are in life, there will always be things you can do to improve. So here is the ultimate list of 101 Ways […]

Life Design

10 Reasons why you are having an Unproductive Day

  We all have unproductive days. But if you’re finding yourself with nothing but unproductive days then you may need to take a look at why. Here are 10 Reasons why you are having an unproductive day and how you can turn it around. Let’s face it, being productive 100% of the time is just […]

Life Design

14 Work from Home Essentials to Boost Productivity

  Whether you are employed by a company or run your own business, it looks like Work from Home is well and truly here to stay. That means it is more important than ever to have a dedicated work space in your home that helps you stay motivated and productive. Here are 14 Work from […]

Life Design

How to Become a Morning Person and How it Changed my Life

Here I tell you why you need to become a morning person and how doing so has truly changed my life. I will give you every tip and trick I used to change my unhealthy sleep habits into a consistent and productive sleep cycle. No matter who we are or how different our lives are, […]