Save Money

10 Genius Products that will actually Save you Money

Obviously, the best way to save money is to not spend it! But there is always an exception to the rule. If you are trying to save money long-term then there are some products that are worth investing in. Stay tuned for my Top 10 Genius Products that will actually Save you Money! Perhaps you […]

Save Money

7 Unusual Ways to Save Money

  Increasing living costs have taken their toll on us all. We have all started trying to save money where we can but sometimes that is not enough. If you have cut out all of the obvious unnecessary expenses including these 15 Things you need to stop buying to save money, then it is time […]

Save Money

The Best Cashback Apps and Websites in 2024

    We all love to download new apps on our phones. But when was the last time that you downloaded an app that could put hundreds of pounds back into your pocket? Find out how you can save money effortlessly with the best cashback apps and websites on the market. We all need to […]

Save Money

What is an Emergency Fund and Why is it Important?

  What is an Emergency Fund?   An Emergency Fund is a pot of money set aside in a bank account specifically for unexpected, “emergency” costs. You can use it when your car breaks down or if you lose your job, in order to avoid sudden, financial stress. This can save you from having to […]

Save Money

How to Stick to Your Food Budget

  Once you have set your weekly or monthly food budget, the big challenge is to stick to it! Use these 11 tips to learn How to Stick to your Food Budget and stay happy and healthy at the same time. This post is all about how to keep your weekly grocery shop within budget, […]

Save Money

How to Instantly Improve your Finances

  When you think about your finances do you find yourself getting increasingly stressed? Perhaps so stressed that you quickly click off of your online banking, hide your latest bills and decide to leave the whole problem for another day? Looking after your personal finances can be very overwhelming so here are 10 simple ways […]

Save Money

How to have a Social Life when you’re on a Budget

  If you’re worried that being on a budget could be social suicide then you’re not alone. But in an age when everyone seems to need to save money, it is easier than ever to have a social life when you’re on a budget. Find out how you can have fun, stay in touch with […]

Save Money

How to Save Money on Groceries in 2024

  We could all do with knowing how to save money on groceries in 2024. I have been using these secret money saving hacks for years and have managed to save at least £200 every month! Every week it seems like anything and everything is increasing in price. Gone are the days you can feed […]

Save Money

5 Websites and Apps you Need to Save Money

  We all spend so much time online and on apps, but instead of endlessly scrolling, why not use that time to save money? There are a few little-known apps that you need to save money! Whether you’re paying off debt, saving for your future or simply do not want to live paycheck to paycheck, […]

Save Money

7 Tips You Need to Stop your Shopping Addiction

  If you want to know how to stop your shopping addiction, you are not alone. Maybe you don’t think you’re addicted but you find it incredibly hard to resist some unnecessary purchases. Believe me… I’ve been there. And according to a recent survey, so have 78.2% of Brits! On average we spend over £32 […]