Make Money

6 Etsy Shop Mistakes Every New Seller Makes


When used correctly, Etsy can be an Entrepreneur’s dream. It offers an incredible opportunity for those seeking to showcase their talents and make money doing what they love. But amidst this creativity, there is a minefield of tasks and strategies that new sellers have to navigate in order to make sales.

In this post, we’ll delve into the six common Etsy shop mistakes I see new sellers make time and time again. As a seasoned Etsy seller, I will share with you my tips to avoid these mistakes and hopefully help you on your way to building a thriving online business.


Not Creating and Updating Listings Regularly


Regular updates are the cornerstone of an active Etsy shop. By consistently adding new listings, you not only catch the eye of potential buyers but also enhance your visibility in Etsy’s search algorithm.

If you can’t keep adding new products then regularly refreshing your existing listings can also help you show Etsy that you are a serious seller. And once you get that kind of credit with Etsy, it will be much easier for your shop to get noticed in search.

Refresh your product titles, descriptions, and tags with carefully chosen keywords that align with your target audience’s search habits. As a new seller, you should also experiment with different keywords to see what works for your products and to enhance your overall search visibility.

You also need to regularly update your all-important product images to better reflect your product and showcase any improvements you have made. Good product photos can be the make or break of your shop, especially in the beginning when you don’t have many reviews or much customer trust yet. Keep your photos bright, clean and clear. Make your product the star and you should be well on your way to monetising your creative outlet.


Not Learning about Basic SEO


Understanding the fundamentals of SEO is crucial in online selling. Without SEO, your listings will not be optimised. This will make it virtually impossible for potential buyers to find your products through Etsy Search.

I know SEO is the one word that strikes fear into the hearts of every seller. But don’t worry!

For now, we will keep it simple.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. Essentially it is what keywords and information you tell Etsy about your product. Etsy then uses an algorithm to use that information to rank your listing in their search.

Your SEO is what is going to determine what customers would have to type in to the search bar to find your listing.

There are four parts of your listing that factors into your SEO:

  • Titles
  • Tags
  • Categories
  • Attributes

My biggest tip for SEO would be trying to use “long-tail keywords”. This essentially means you should try to use multi-word, descriptive phrases for your product and not just single words.

If you are in a very competitive niche then using longer, more specific keywords will help your product be found more easily.

For example, “Clay Bowl” will be a very competitive keyword. But “Floral Clay Bowl” is much more specific, so you have a better chance of showing up in search for that keyword.

Right now, we will not dive any deeper into SEO because we could be here all day!

If you are looking for a more comprehensive, beginner-friendly explanation of how to use SEO to optimise your Etsy listings then check out my complete starter guide to making money on Etsy.


Not Running Regular Sales


Red Sale Sign


One of the best ways to encourage potential customers to buy from you is by running a sale.

Afterall, who doesn’t love a bargain?

Sales are powerful tools to attract more customers and convert people from watchers to buyers.

Etsy makes it easy for you to run a sale, on any or all of your products. You can choose the percentage discount, or free delivery, and how long the sale runs for. Explore various sale strategies to see which one your customers love the most. You can also create coupons to send to loyal customers after they have made a purchase or favourited one of your listings.

If you are not running regular sales then you are losing potential revenue!


Neglecting Your Shop’s Pages


Clear shop policies and comprehensive pages are essential for creating a seamless shopping experience and connecting with the customer. A user-friendly interface not only pleases buyers but also encourages them to explore more, potentially leading to increased sales.

Your Shop Bio is where you can introduce your business, explain your inspiration and share your design process. This is where your customers will go to learn your story. So if you have qualifications that you use in your shop, include them. If your business is themed then explain why you have chosen that theme and why you started your shop.

Delve into the essence of your shop and your customers will start feeling a loyalty towards your business.

There is also a shop members section where you can put a small seller profile about yourself. Add a profile photo and write a short sentence about what you do in the business and this should help to build more trust with your buyers.

You also must not neglect your shop policies. This is the more dull part of your shop but it will be essential for any buyer looking for more information. There are several sections to fill in but Etsy provides a template for each, so it is quick and simple to complete.


Not Working Hard to get your first Customer Reviews


Good reviews are like the golden tokens of trust on Etsy. If your shop has 100 Five Star reviews, any potential customer is going to instantly trust you as a seller, much more than a shop with fewer or less favourable reviews. That is why it is so hard to make your first few sales on Etsy. With no reviews, it is very difficult for you to prove to potential customers that you are a trustworthy seller with a high-quality product.

Reviews contribute immensely to your shop’s credibility. So make sure you work for every single review! Go out of your way to impress the customer and then politely ask them to leave a review if they are happy with their purchase. Don’t repeatedly message them for reviews though! You don’t want to spam them and become irritating!

Positive reviews can serve as powerful testimonials, influencing future customers’ decisions. Provide excellent products and customer service and you will soon naturally accumulate that important positive feedback.


Relying Solely on Organic Traffic from Etsy


While Etsy does bring organic traffic, relying solely on it will limit your store’s growth and is quite possibly the biggest of all the Etsy shop mistakes. It is also quite risky to rely on Etsy for your traffic, in case Etsy changes how their algorithm works and you are suddenly on the bottom of the search pile!

Diversifying your sources of traffic ensures a steady flow of potential buyers, enhances your store’s sustainability and helps you build a long-lasting online presence.

If you want to start your business off right, you need to start building a social media presence as soon as you can. Social media can be an invaluable tool for reaching a wider audience.

As you are building your business, make sure to leverage social media platforms to showcase your products and connect with as many potential customers as possible.

Instagram is a great platform if your product is all about the aesthetics. If you can take beautiful photos and like to showcase the making of your product then Instagram could be a great place to start. You could also consider TikTok if you are looking to appeal to a younger audience.

Alternatively, you could start with what I consider to be the Queen of marketing, Pinterest. Now dubbed as a search engine rather than a social media platform, Pinterest can be an amazing way to tap into your audience and build a real and enduring presence online.




These six common Etsy pitfalls can significantly impact your store’s success. By recognizing these mistakes and correcting them quickly, you will give your shop the best chance of success.

One of the keys to continued success on Etsy is being open to constant changes and adapting in the crowded market. Etsy provides an amazing opportunity for budding entrepreneurs, but that means you will have to face some tough competition. So start by avoiding these costly Etsy shop mistakes and you will already be ahead of all of the other new sellers out there!

Come and share your Etsy journey with us in the comments below, along with any additional tips that have helped you find success.

For more Etsy success tips check out our other beginner friendly Etsy Guides:


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