Life Design

How to Beat the Winter Blues: Self-care Edition


The winter season brings so much beauty, but unfortunately it also brings a unique set of challenges as many of us find ourselves struggling to beat the winter blues. In this blog post, we’ll explore effective tips to lift your spirits and promote overall well-being during the colder months. 

The key? Embracing self-care into your routine and adapting your daily life to make the most out of the colder weather instead of wallowing in it.

As a very pale redhead, I have always thought I preferred winter over summer. But as of late, I have found myself dreading the long winter and longing for any type of sunlight I can get! 

So if like me, you are over this cold, dark and miserable time of year, keep reading to find ways you can beat the winter blues and finally start enjoying this season.


The Winter Blues vs. SAD


Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs at specific times of the year, typically during the winter months when there is less natural sunlight. While many of us may experience a mild form of the “winter blues” due to the colder weather and reduced daylight, SAD is characterised by more severe and persistent symptoms that can significantly impact daily life.

The symptoms of SAD are similar to those of major depressive episode and may include persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness, loss of interest in activities, changes in sleep patterns, fatigue and a lack of concentration.

SAD can have a significant impact on a person’s daily life, affecting their relationships, work, and overall well-being. It is more than just feeling a bit down during the winter months; it is a clinical condition that may require medical attention.

While both SAD and the winter blues share common feelings, the key difference lies in the intensity and duration of these symptoms. The winter blues typically involve milder feelings of sadness or lethargy that are transient and don’t significantly disrupt your life.

So if you are feeling prolonged and severe symptoms, please contact a doctor or healthcare professional. I am not a medical professional in any way and this post simply aims to share tips that have helped me combat the winter blues.


Building a Winter Self-Care Routine


maintain your Daily Routines


Establish a daily routine to provide yourself with some structure and stability. When it goes dark so early in the day it can be hard to feel productive and this can make you feel even more sluggish. Keeping up your routine will help to combat these feelings of lethargy and melancholy that we often attribute to the winter blues.

Personally, I swear by my morning routine. As a person who never woke up early by choice, establishing a healthy morning routine helped me become a morning person and has really changed my life and my mood.


Incorporate Exercise


Physical activity is a powerful mood booster. Discover winter-friendly exercises that not only keep you fit but also help chase away the winter blues. 

I know exercise isn’t for everyone, in fact I always hated exercise, but since committing to working out every weekday morning I have fallen in love with it!

You don’t need to go to the gym in the cold weather and it doesn’t have to cost you a penny. I use various workout videos to follow along with at home and it has improved my health and mental wellbeing more than I thought possible.

It is proven that exercise releases a wave of feel-good endorphins that will decrease your stress and actually increase your energy levels for the day; perfect for beating your winter blues.


Get some VITAMIN D


Getting sufficient vitamin D in the winter is crucial for maintaining your overall health, but it can be tricky. As sunlight exposure decreases during the colder months, people may be at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is known to boost the immune system, helping the body fight off infections and illnesses, which is particularly important during the flu season.

Research also suggests that optimal vitamin D levels may contribute to mood regulation and mental well-being, potentially alleviating symptoms of SAD and promoting a positive mood to combat the winter blues.

So start Incorporating vitamin D-rich foods into your diet or consider supplements during the winter as this can be beneficial for maintaining optimal health when sunlight exposure is limited.


Start Journaling 


Journaling seems to be the cornerstone of self-care at the moment, and for good reason! There are so many therapeutic benefits of journaling for self-reflection and it is so easy to incorporate into your daily life. Anyone can journal, and there’s so many different journals you can keep that can help you in various ways. 

You could simply write a diary of your life which would help improve your writing skills and memory.

Or you could create a dream journal and take real steps towards what you have always wanted. This will help you keep track of your progress and help propel you through this slow, winter period.

Alternatively, you could start a gratitude journal where you can write everything in your life that you are thankful for and everything about winter that you actually like.

A journal can be anything you want it to be. The key is to release your thoughts and worries so that I don’t hang around and grow in your head. 


Embrace the cosy season


Embrace the cosiness of winter to combat the winter blues


My favourite part of winter is definitely the return of cosy season. I have always been very receptive to my environment, so if I’m cold, stressed or uncomfortable, there is a high chance I will be in a bad mood and won’t get any work done!

Your environment plays a crucial role in your mood. So if the cold is getting you down, create a cosy space you can retreat to, to feel warm and happy. 

If in doubt add blankets! Fluffy blankets, heated blankets, you can never have too many! Curling up in blankets, drinking hot chocolate and reading a good book is the pinnacle of self-care and the winter season is the perfect time to do it! 


Prioritise your Social Calendar


It would be very easy to curl up in said blanket, seclude yourself and wait for the winter to be over. Don’t get me wrong, this is very tempting. But you can’t let your social life suffer this time of year. 

Maintaining social connections is vital for your mental health. It is widely documented that prolonged isolation could lead to depression, low self-esteem and even an increased risk of dementia in later life. It is therefore extremely important that you make the effort to socialise with friends even when you don’t feel like it.  

A simple coffee with a friend every few weeks can be really rejuvenating. You never know, they may feel exactly the same way you do. Talking your feelings out is a great way to process your emotions and gets advice and support from your loved ones.


Plan Winter Activities


Not only should you keep up your social schedule during the winter months, but you should also embrace the winter time and make the most out of it! What better way to beat the winter blues than finding ways to actually enjoy the winter weather.

So get out on a picturesque, snowy walk, visit winter markets or even go sledding! You could also host a cosy winter night in with friends, complete with pyjamas, hot chocolate and romcoms. 

One other benefit of winter is that in between the grey clouds and rain, we can witness some truly incredible sunrises, so why not get up early and start your day by admiring nature in all of its glory.


Spend Time Outdoors


Despite the cold weather, spending time outdoors should be a priority during the winter months. Yes it’s cold, grey and possibly snowing, but that doesn’t mean we should hide away. Get ready for the winter weather and then face it head on! Find your gloves, scarves and puffy coats and get some fresh air everyday. 

Getting outside once per day will not only promote your physical health but also provide a mental health boost. It is much too easy to get stuck in your four walls and forget that there is a world outside to explore. So make sure you wrap up, get yourself out the door, and breathe in some fresh air.


Get Enough Sleep


Quality sleep is crucial for overall wellbeing, especially during the winter. If you don’t do any other self-care activity on this list, make sure you prioritise sleep. Without sleep we simply cannot function. 

Getting good sleep comes with so many benefits that will improve your health and your life. You will improve your concentration, mood, energy levels and immune system. Better sleep can even lower your chance of some chronic diseases. 

As good sleep aids mood, it is very likely that you can overcome some of your feelings of winter blues by simply addressing your sleep schedule. If you struggle to go to bed early and end up waking late , then start by moving your bedtime earlier by 30 minutes. Small changes can have a big impact when it comes to the quality and duration of your sleep.


Invest in Winter Skincare


Start a winter skincare routine for self-care and to treat winter blues


This wouldn’t be a self-care post without including skincare! Investing in skincare is a great way to maintain healthy and radiant skin during the harsh weather conditions of the winter. The colder months often bring lower humidity levels, leading to dry and dehydrated skin. Quality skincare products can provide the necessary hydration to combat this dryness, preventing issues like flakiness and irritation. Winter weather can also exacerbate any existing skin concerns, such as redness or sensitivity.

Taking the time to curate a skincare routine specifically for winter can help you minimise the impact of the weather in your skin and can prove to be very therapeutic. 

If you don’t know where to start I would suggest focusing on hydration. A light moisturiser or face mask can be a great way to help your skin boost it’s protective barrier against the elements.

Starting a consistent skincare routine for the winter can contribute to the long-term health of the skin, promoting elasticity and preventing premature aging.

Not to mention that doing skincare can be a great form of relaxing self-care. Lean into your self-care era, light a candle, clip your hair back and treat your skin!




Navigating the winter blues can be really tough so it is essential to prioritise yourself with self-care. By acknowledging the challenges you face this season, you can implement self-care into your routine, that will not only help you beat the winter blues but also help you to embrace the season with a positive and rejuvenated mindset.

Remember, your needs throughout the year will change. Don’t feel guilty if you are less productive this season and need more time for yourself. 

Taking care of yourself is something to invest in all year round.

And don’t worry if you’re struggling, just like the cold weather, this too shall pass.



How to beat the winter blues: self-care edition. Blue winter pin with happy woman in snow

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